You never need to adjust the oven temperature: cakes need to bake quickly in a relatively hot oven to set their structure and to make sure they don't dry out. You only need to adjust the baking time. If...
Author: Dee Tourville
Since it's now just my husband and me, I love making these frozen TV dinners from my leftovers. It really cuts down on food waste and the dinners are a tremendous help when I'm in a time crunch. Just pop...
Author: Elaine Bovender
You may know them as, Hedge Apple, Hedge Ball, Horse Apple, Green Brains, Monkey Balls or Mock Orange but they are all one in the same. Growing up I always knew them as Monkey Balls and we used them inside...
Author: Kimberly Biegacki
An old home remedy that has been used for reducing pain due to arthritis, fibromyalgia, diabetic neuropathy, etc.
Author: Karen Feinen
This is my life-saving recipe for myself and my families and friends and so on and on and on.In the West Virginia mountains-I met an old granny and she would not even share this one with me no matter how...
Author: Connie Brannen
a little cheaters help for converting to sugar or from sugar in all the recipes here
Author: Stormy Stewart
This little mixture will make your home smell delish for the Christmas season!
Author: Deb Wilson
We use this in the fall and push it in to the bark of the tree and then we rub bird seeds and fruits into it and the birds love it we have a couple ladder back hairy wood peckers that come around all the...
Author: JoSele Swopes
I want this in my book of homemade things....and I know some of you may want it too! It works really well. Kids and adults alike have a really fun time with these!
Author: Amy Alusa
Well, St. Patrick's Day is a classic day for corned beef and cabbage, but the first thing you'll need is the corned beef, and before that you will need a good pickling spice. So, I'll be posting my recipe...
Author: Andy Anderson !
These ornaments smell so good that you'll want to eat them-- but resist. They don't taste very good, I can promise you that. This dough rolls out very easily, and the cinnamon dough ornaments will last...
Author: Melanie Campbell
These make great Sachets in cloths drawers. Wonderful scented ornaments for Xmas trees, Or are a great scent bunched together in a bowl on a table. Buy the cinnamon in bulk or this is too expensive to...
Author: Stormy Stewart
Found this recipe in an old church cook book been making my German Potato Salad this way ever since. So bring on the brats and kraut and a glass of beer and I am ready.
Author: Linda Smith
A friend of mine passed this on to me as someone did to her. I mixed it up & tried it on sheets & clothes & it works great, thus prompting me to name it SOFT AS RAIN fabric softener.
Author: Peggi Anne Tebben
When my kids were little I would have my kids and the whole neighborhood in my house and we would be making bread dough ornaments...I had the paints and all of the tools to make them....They make great...
Author: JoSele Swopes
This recipe is from my daughter's kitchen. My daughter makes these for her tree. and her house smells delicious. A wonderful project for the kids.Thank you Renee.
Author: Teresa Morgan
This is a great tutorial on these root vegetables regarding appearance, how to choose, prep, cook, and store properly including recipe ideas.
Author: Francine Lizotte
I started years ago making these with my children, and now I make them with my grandkids. They last for years and the house smells so good when they are drying. Smells like Christmas.
Author: Leona Krivda
An easy Cornucopia centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table. Fill the cornucopia with the assorted raw vegetables directly on table and let them spill out of opening NOTE- To prevent this center-piece from...
Author: Penny Hall
This is a simple recipe that can rid your poor pet or family member from that dreaded smell when you are sprayed by a skunk. When using on humans, be sure to use a moisturizing lotion afterwards so your...
Author: Michele (Micki) Vezeau Overturf
For the homey country christmas look...these are absolutely darling and they smell wonderful. We made gingerbread men and trees and reindeer and snowflakes.
Author: Julie Buckholtz
Insects and their larvae can do damage to your fruit tree, from eating the foliage to spoiling the fruit. Fortunately, you don't have to resort to harsh, harmful chemicals to protect your fruit trees from...
Author: Jo Zimny
Fall is in the air and the holidays just around the corner. Add a welcoming touch of fresh citrus, cinnamon, cloves and bay with this wonderful, simmering spice blend. My favorite!
Author: Family Favorites
STEW for a very hungry crowd. However, do not serve at a High Tea event.
This is an economic replacement for sweetened condensed milk. From the Methodist Women Cookbook
Author: Joey Wolf
This is a wonderful gift for anyone who likes the holiday cooking smell anytime. Is wonderful added to a pot over an open fire also, like when camping in the fall. We also warn this up when watching a...
Author: Stormy Stewart
I use to buy a X-mas wreath every year, but then a few years I found this idea & others. Now every year I make new ones for halloween, thanksgiving & other holidays. Brings out a warm apple cinnamon smell...
Author: Vanessa "Nikita" Milare
From the author of the Cake Bible: "Roses Christmas Cookies". Everyone loves to nibble on these delights! Rose: "They take hours to make, but the results are pure magic and provide the most exquisite Christmas...
Author: Stacia Osborn
This is something else I came up with using what I had on hand. I wanted the whole house to smell great and was tired of spending money of all sorts of air fresheners that disappeared within minutes of...
Author: Rebecca Smith
Covid 19 taught me a lot of things, I learned how to make masks, I have learned how far 6 feet is exactly, and most importantly I learned how to make my own Hand Sanitizer. After not finding hand sanitizer...
Author: joeyjoan K
Use at Lammas on your altar and still have enough to as gift potpourri's on very small baskets or tied in see through fabric tied with a ribbon for your Coven
Author: Stormy Stewart